January 24: Viera Wetlands!

I spent the entire morning, from about 8:15 until 2 pm, at the Viera Wetlands and the “Click Ponds” that start near the entrance going the other direction. Had wonderful looks at a river otter and a family of raccoons, as well as plenty of birds. My total is now 157 thanks to these new species:

  1. Mottled Duck
  2. Blue-winged Teal
  3. Green-winged Teal
  4. Ring-necked Duck
  5. Wild Turkey
  6. American Bittern
  7. Least Bittern
  8. Glossy Ibis
  9. Common Gallinule
  10. American Coot
  11. Limpkin
  12. Barred Owl
  13. Tree Swallow
  14. Barn Swallow
  15. Marsh Wren
  16. Common Yellowthroat
  17. Savannah Sparrow
  18. Painted Bunting

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